Multi-Chamber Aqueous Cleaners

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The Technical Process

Type AM

The multi-chamber system combines high throughput and achievement of the highest cleaning requirements.

Depending on the requirements, the machine can be outfitted with different cleaning and rinsing chambers. An etching or pickling step can be included in the cleaning process. Also, a phosphating process is possible.

In order to achieve the highest cleaning requirements, ultrasonic, high-pressure circulation and spraying may be added. Drying can be done with hot-air, vacuum, infrared or a combination of those. RP with an aqueous or solvent solution is possible.

The machine can have one or more trucks with several gantries inside. All of the different chambers will have a filtration system, oil separators or an evaporator with heat recovery.

The loading and unloading can be manual or automating, depending on your demands.

Every multi-chamber machine is custom designed to fit your application.

Equipment Variants

Any number of cleaning and rinsing stations
Special sizes according to customer requirements
Automatic loading and unloading device
Ultrasound, flooding or pressure media circulation device
Oil separator, evaporator or complete demin-water recirculation facilities to extend the bath service life

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