Single Chamber Aqueous Cleaners

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Type AS

The single chamber system has a basket holder that rotates or pivots the basket inside the chamber. Also, the highest cleaning requirements may be achieved. This makes for a system that has the ability to clean a wide range of parts.

The system has a cleaning tank and one or more rinsing tanks. RP or passivation may be also added.

Drying is performed by a means of hot-air, vacuum or a combination of both. Different cleaning processes are available, including ultrasonic, high-pressure circulation , and spraying.

Included with this machine are are filtration units, oil separators, automatic basket covers, an evaporator with heat recovery and either a manual or an automatic loading device.

Standard sizes and customized solutions are available to fit any application.

Equipment Variants

Special sizes according to customer requirements
Automatic charging and discharging device
Ultrasound, media circulation or pressure media circulation device
Additional storage tanks for multistage cleaning, rinsing or, if required, for passivation or preservation
Oil separator, evaporator or complete demin-water recirculation facilities to extend the bath service life

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